Realizing this shortcoming of a pure regex approach, I decided to follow a programmatic one with ruby. Here is a command that will display Java VM (run with -verbose:gc) Garbage Cleaning output with a pause time of between 2 and 5 seconds.
Ruby receives a standard input a line at a time and checks it against the regular expression. If a line matches, the part of the pattern enclosed by un-escaped parentheses is made available in the variable $1. That variable is converted to float and compared to the given range. The line is then printed to standard output if the value falls within the range.
cat ./logs/catalina.out | ruby -e 'STDIN.each {|line| puts line if line =~ /\[GC [0-9]+K->[0-9]+K\([0-9]+K\), ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+) secs\]/ and (2..5).include?($1.to_f)}'